Welcome to my class!


    Mrs. Olegário  

    Hello Third Graders! My name is Mrs. Peggy Olegário. Let me tell you a little about myself. I am a very caring and open-minded person and I love teaching! I am principled and I always try to do the right thing while balancing my home and school life. I have two children, Maggie 21 and Miguel 10 and I love them very much. This summer we bought a puppy. She is a Shorkie and her name is Mia. She is super cute. This will be my fourth year teaching at Woodrow Wilson Elementary School but I have taught for 14 years in Framingham before I moved to Brazil. Being a risk-taker, I returned to the United States in the spring of 2015 after living and teaching in Minas Gerais, Brazil for 8 years. After living in Brazil for 8 years, I became a good communicator in both English and Portuguese. In March of 2015, I returned from Brazil for a position as the substitute teacher in the third grade bilingual class and it was an amazing experience.  I have lots of fun and interesting lessons, activities and projects planned for us during the upcoming months. Some of my favorite things we do each year include doing independent research projects, reading in fantasy book clubs and learning about Massachusetts History. Some of my favorite books are Esperanza Rising, Number the Stars, and Bridge to Terabithia. Do you have a favorite book you would like to recommend? Let me know. Be prepared!   You can count on a lot of fun and exciting learning opportunities this year. We will take the time to be reflective learners and thinkers. I think this year will be the best one yet! I hope everyone is prepared to work hard this school year. I have very high expectations when it comes to work, and accept only your best effort. I'm so happy to have you in my class for the 2019-2020 school year! . I am extremely excited for the new school year to begin!

    Mrs. Peggy Olegário


