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High School Common Schedule Public Input

To support student learning in our high schools and increase operational efficiency, 4J is working to align schedules at all high schools.

As part of the decision-making process, the district sought public input from students, parents, staff and community members through community forums and an online survey.

Community Forums

Monday, March 5, 7–9 p.m.
Wednesday, March 7, 7–9 p.m.

4J Education Center, 200 N. Monroe St., Eugene

The school board held two public forums to give families and community members an opportunity to learn about the common schedule work group’s preliminary recommendations, ask questions and share their input with the superintendent and board.

Public Input Chart Notes from Community & Staff Forums

Slideshow of Staff Presentation (updated to reflect adjusted timeline)

Video of Staff Presentation

Staff Forum

Thursday, March 8, 4–6 p.m. 

4J Education Center, 200 N. Monroe St., Eugene

A third forum was offered specifically for staff. This was an opportunity for 4J staff to come hear the preliminary recommendations, dialogue with their colleagues in the common schedule work group, ask questions and share input.

The agenda and format was similar to the forums for community members on March 5 and March 7. Staff also were invited to attend the public forums and complete the online survey.

Public Input Chart Notes from Community & Staff Forums

Slideshow of Staff Presentation (updated to reflect adjusted timeline)

Online Survey

A survey was open for public input March 5–9, 2012. More than 900 parents, staff, students and community members responded.

Survey Responses

Survey Responses With Comments (133 pages)

Other Meetings

For those who wish to provide input in person, there is a public comment period at the beginning of each school board meeting. Audience members who wish to speak may sign up at the beginning of the meeting. Comments are limited to three minutes per person.

Written Comments

Written comments to the Eugene School Board may also be sent to board@4j.lane.edu or mailed to the Superintendent’s Office, Eugene School District 4J, 200 N. Monroe St., Eugene OR 97402.