Hello Patriot Parent!

Announcements From Davies

  • What is Davies' Home School Compact?

    As we strive for academic excellence and a high level of literacy for all of our students we realize that an educational institution cannot accomplish this goal alone. When a partnership exists between school, family and student and the goals and responsibilities for each party are clear, student achievement will improve. The following is a compact, which is a voluntary agreement between Davies’ administration and staff and our families and students with the sole purpose of helping all of our students to reach their full academic potential.
    Family Responsibilities (Read the full compact here)
    1. Through collaboration, participate with school staff in creating a school vision and quality educational program that is understood and embraced by all.
    2. Communicate to my child the value of an education and provide home support for the educational process.
    3. Establish a study time with my child and provide a quiet, distraction free environment.
    4. Participate in training opportunities with staff to improve teaching and learning.
    5. Communicate regularly with the school.
    6. Respect the school, staff, students and families.
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  • Sign up for text alerts!

    Would you like to receive a text alert when school is closed or delayed? Sign up for the Rhode Island Broadcasters Association text alerts for Wm M Davies Jr Career-Tech HS here:  https://my.textcaster.com/ASA/default.aspx?ID=6d6b22e1-242f-46b3-ae4f-e01582e9a14c

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  • Lunch Money Information

    How to add money to your student's account for touchless transactions.

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  • Daily Announcements

    Head over to the daily morning announcements by clicking here.

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  • MegaSkills 2024 Spanish Session Graduates

    Congratulations to Raquel Mendez, Kailley Gonzalez Mendez (student), Maria Lagunas, Manuel Lagunas, Alex Lagunas (student), Brenda Monje, Carla A. Gómez Monje (student), Rubia Guevara, Maria Casas, Walter Paz, Edna Xajap, Astrid Telles, and Glen Veras on completing our MegaSkills workshop series!

    They've mastered valuable skills like confidence, teamwork, perseverance, and problem-solving, setting a strong foundation for success. Their dedication paid off, which is evident in the supportive community they've built, even establishing their own group text. At the celebration, they received well-deserved certificates and shared how the 11 MegaSkills and facilitator Mrs. Morrobel have positively impacted their ability to support themselves and their students. 

    Families interested in joining the MegaSkills team next school year, offered in English and Spanish, can fill out the form at www.daviestech.org/megaskills to stay informed once the schedule is finalized. Keep shining, MegaSkills graduates! 

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  • Roadmap to College

    Document in English

    Document in Spanish

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  • Helping you make technology work for your family

    Parenting today involves raising the first generation of kids growing up with technology all around them — at school, at home, and in their pockets. As you chart the path that feels right for your family, we’re here to help.

    Click Here

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  • New Inclement Weather Policy

    Click here to read the new policy.

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  • Online Safety Tips

    The vast majority of us use the internet to socialize, work, learn, and play. But widespread use doesn’t necessarily mean widespread understanding. The good news is there are easy ways to keep your internet use safe and constructive. We’ve compiled some of our best advice here.


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