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General Information

Office of the Superintendent

The Superintendent coordinates the total educational program and provides leadership in its development and improvement.

Michael Chaix, Ed. D.



Claudia Meza

Executive Assistant to the Superintendent

Superintendent's Message

Cucamonga School District Students, Parents and Families,

Welcome to Cucamonga School District!  Our priority is to ensure the safety of our students and staff as we begin a new school year. As we welcome parents on campus, we want to ensure everyone is safe. We will be using the Raptor system again to ensure safety of those visiting campus. In addition, we have established a direct feed through our camera system with the Rancho Cucamonga Police Department. They can support our schools in Rancho Cucamonga in emergency situations. Our schools maintain monthly emergency drills to ensure our campuses are safe and prepared in all emergency situations.  I want you to know we continue to work hard to ensure a safe environment for students and staff.

In Cucamonga School District, our academic work is focused on providing learning experiences to children that allow them to develop the skills and understandings they will need for future learning and career challenges to thrive in the 21st Century and beyond. The future job market is changing now and will be far different by the time our students enter the workforce. The impact of automation will change many jobs and in CSD we want our students to rise to the challenge and thrive in the future.

We have clearly defined both academic expectations for our students and expectations in the development of life skills as defined in our Portrait of the Graduate, see below. These skills include critical thinking and problem solving, creativity and innovation, empathy, initiative and self-direction, resilience, social and cross-cultural skills, and Information, communication, and technology literacy. This year we will be focusing on one banner per trimester at every school. We will begin the year working on creativity, innovation, critical thinking, and problem solving. Our schools have also been working on empathy through programs like PBIS, Second Step, and Give Em’ Five.

As a life-long educator and learner, I am proud to serve the Cucamonga School District as we navigate an ever-changing future.


Michael Chaix, Ed. D.


“If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow.” – John Dewey