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Voice Recognition

Commack School District

Excellence in Education

Guitarist performs during CHS sunset soiree concert.
Track student poses on stage during spring varsity awards at CHS.
Burr fifth grade student navigates the ropes course during a field trip to Adventure Park.
Student on stage as presenters speaks about his accomplishments during Senior Awards at CHS.
Wood Park kindergartener smiles during spring concert with American flag on wall behind him.
Wood Park students look at animal brought to school by Sweetbriar Nature Center.
Student on blue team in Burr third grade field day tosses frisbee, aiming for garbage can.
Two junior couples pose on bench in CHS courtyard during Junior Banquet.
CHS marching band trumpeter plays during Commack South Little League parade.
Baseball players pose with Long Island championship award.
Student holds fire hose with assistance from Commack firefighter during Commack Day exhibition.
Students participate in mock game show during Commack Day.
CHS seniors celebrate winning battle of the classes.
Student dressed as "the big bad wolf" in front of fellow North Ridge kindergarteners on stage during performance.
Indian Hills kindergartener smiles on stage during Spring Showcase.
High School seniors pose in the courtyard while wearing their college sweatshirts and other apparel.
Student on stage during North Ridge Primary reading rocks assembly.
Dr. Cox cuts red ribbon at opening of Rolling Hills playground as students watch.
Middle School actress is cheered by crowd at conclusion of The Little Mermaid performance for fifth graders.
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Wood Park School

Welcome to Wood Park

Mission statement image

All children at Wood Park, in partnership with teachers and parents will have the opportunity to be challenged in a learning environment where they are actively involved in their own development and growth, think and communicate effectively, develop self worth and respect and acquire a love of learning. 

Contact Us

Photo of principal
Wood Park Primary School

15 New Highway
Commack, NY  11725
 Main Office: 631-858-3680

Ms. Shannon Saraga, RN, School Nurse 
Phone:  631-858-3687 

Whitson's Food Service
Phone: 631-912-2172


Three local librarians speak with Wood Park students during assembly.

Local Libraries Visit Wood Park to Promote Summer Programs

The Commack and Smithtown libraries visited Wood Park Primary School on Thursday morning to encourage summer reading.

The visiting librarians shared with the students that both community libraries have summer reading programs, with prizes for taking part.

The Commack program runs June 21 through Aug. 9, while the Smithtown program runs June 17 through Aug. 10.

All that’s required is a library card to enter either program.

Commack families can register on the Beanstack app, while Smithtown families should visit the library.

Principal Michelle Collison told the students that the summer is an ideal time for reading.
Two students and principal pose with big commemorative check for $500.

Wood Park Helps Community

Wood Park students were recognized Wednesday morning by Long Island Cares for collecting $500 in coins for the charity.

Wood Park raised the most of any school during the "Wings of Change" campaign.

Founded in 1980, Long Island Cares helps the food insecure, such as by operating The Harry Chapin Food Bank. 
Principal Collison presents Dr. Hettrich with flowers.

Dr. Hettrich Awarded Commack Star!

Congratulations to our newest Commack Star recipient ... Wood Park school psychologist Dr. Emma Hettrich.

Dr. Hettrich is the first to reach out to offer support to her colleagues. She also is an asset to all those who seek her out for suggestions, advice or support.

She continuously engages in her own professional development as well as teaching opportunities.

“We are so lucky to have such an incredible educator as part of the Commack family — someone who goes above and beyond for both students and staff,” superintendent Dr. Jordan Cox told the gathered staff on Friday morning during the surprise presentation.”

Said principal Michelle Collison: “You have brought us to the next level. I am blessed to work with you.”
Superintendent Dr. Jordan Cox prepares to cut a red ribbon as students cheer the opening of the Wood Park playground.

Playgrounds Open at Rolling Hills, Wood Park

Rolling Hills second grader Jaimin excitedly shouted to his teacher, "Miss Krompier, I feel like we have a whole new school."

And that summed up the excitement as Rolling Hills and Wood Park had back-to-back ribbon-cutting ceremonies to unveil new playgrounds.

 Superintendent Dr. Jordan Cox and other administrators were on hand to preside over the ribbon-cutting ceremonies.

 The equipment includes GaGa pits, teeter totters and a basketball hoop. Rolling Hills' playground even had an outdoor xylophone.

 Indian Hollow and North Ridge debuted similar playgrounds this past fall.
Group photo of second grade "Little Leaders" in Wood Park school's main lobby.

Wood Park's 'Little Leaders' Recognized

Wood Park's "Little Leaders" were recognized on Friday for their contributions to the school. The second graders perform roles including delivering morning announcements, serving as teacher helpers and assisting at events such as kindergarten registration. All of the students wore yellow T-shirts emblazoned with the saying, "Serving Our School," during Friday's recognition.
Students perform on stage.

Wood Park Performs!

Wood Park students had the chance to get on stage on Friday morning to perform with props during a pair of assemblies.
The students sang and danced and performed skits from The Three Little Pigs, Gingerbread Baby, Dragons Love Tacos, Stella Luna and Oh, The Places You'll Go.