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Commack School District

Excellence in Education

Rolling Hills Sign
Rolling Hills Staff 2023-2024
Mrs. Santarpia
Second Grade Playground Photo
Daily Events
June 19, 2024
June 24, 2024
June 25, 2024

Rolling Hills Primary School

Rolling Hills Primary School

25 McCulloch Drive
Dix Hills, NY 11746
(631) 858-3570
Jessica Santarpia, Principal
Jessica Santarpia, Principal

School News

Cereal boxes are lined up like dominoes in the gymnasium, waiting to be toppled.

Rolling Hills Hosts Cereal Race, Helps Those in Need

Rolling Hills Helpers worked on various charity projects throughout the school year.  Most recently, they participated in a Cereal Domino Run, after collecting more than 130 boxes.

The second grade became the "Breakfast Champions" as the result of bringing in the most boxes.

To celebrate the collection, the cereal boxes were set up in the gym, with the same amount of boxes for each grade. A kindergartener, first grader and second grader then pushed their respective row of boxes like dominoes to see which grade level's boxes toppled the fastest. All the K boxes went down first! 

Some Hills Helpers then ventured to Christ the King Pantry and the Sharing Table at the Jewish Center to deliver the cereal boxes to help those in need.
Guide dog is fed by student as handler observes.

Rolling Hills Supports Helen Keller Services

Nancy Carillo’s first-grade class at Rolling Hills had parents and other sponsors donate money for each book the students read.

And on Friday, visitors from the Helen Keller Services for the Blind — including guide dog Mocha — visited the class to accept the donation, offer their gratitude and share information about guide dogs and even sign language.

The class raised $250 for the foundation, and Carillo matched the donation to double it.

The foundation is near and dear to her heart, because her father used tools for the vision impaired.

Helen Keller Services for the Blind is an organization that helps people of all ages with visual impairments to live their lives the best way possible. By either providing special equipment, tools or training, the staff members of Helen Keller Services do remarkable things for our friends with low-vision issues.
Principal purchases bracelet from students

RH First Graders Operate Businesses

First graders in Nancy Carillo's class at Rolling Hills explained the difference between goods and services, and began to hone their entrepreneurial skills, during a "Shopping Day" in their classroom on Friday.

The students operated stores selling goods such as bracelets and bookmarks and services such as pencil sharpening and desk cleaning.

Principal Jessica Santarpia, superintendent Dr. Jordan Cox and other district administrators arrived in the class midday to serve as shoppers.

The mystery bag store was a particular hit, with much joy shared when a pair of shoppers received erasers as their surprise for shopping there.
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Instructor shows picture of frog to class.

Rolling Hills Visits Rain Forest

Rolling Hills first graders learned about the tropical rain forest during a visit from the Long Island Center for Arts and Sciences on Thursday morning. The students saw photos and discussed rain-forest inhabitants including the red-eyed tree frog, clear-winged butterfly and the flying fox bat (AKA fruit bat).
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Superintendent Dr. Jordan Cox prepares to cut a red ribbon as students cheer the opening of the Wood Park playground.

Playgrounds Open at Rolling Hills, Wood Park

Rolling Hills second grader Jaimin excitedly shouted to his teacher, "Miss Krompier, I feel like we have a whole new school."

And that summed up the excitement as Rolling Hills and Wood Park had back-to-back ribbon-cutting ceremonies to unveil new playgrounds.

 Superintendent Dr. Jordan Cox and other administrators were on hand to preside over the ribbon-cutting ceremonies.

 The equipment includes GaGa pits, teeter totters and a basketball hoop. Rolling Hills' playground even had an outdoor xylophone.

 Indian Hollow and North Ridge debuted similar playgrounds this past fall.
Student participates in relay race.

Fitness Night at Rolling Hills

Rolling Hills Fitness Night included plenty of smiles and healthy activities.

Kindergarteners, first and second graders returned to the primary school for the evening activity with their families on Thursday.

The evening included relay races, throwing balls to targets, gymnastics equipment, dancing and Twister.

Students were divided into red and blue teams. 

The night helped promote physical fitness.
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Mission Statement

We are dedicated to providing a nurturing school environment that fosters respect, compassion and tolerance. It is our mission to guide our students to develop a positive self-image and become life-long learners who make meaningful contributions to their community.