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Voice Recognition

Commack School District

Excellence in Education


Family & Consumer Sciences Curriculum

Sixth Grade Family and Consumer Sciences

just facs baking
6th Grade FACS is a 10 week or one quarter class that focuses on using communication, problem solving and self reflective skills to master the art of team food preparation.  Students are encouraged to reflect on how people can work together to allocate resources and share knowledge in order to achieve goals. Most are inspired, using their new found skills at home or when volunteering.

Seventh Grade Family and Consumer Sciences

Seventh Grade Family and Consumer Sciences

sewing maching


7th Grade FACS is a ten week course that focuses on using fine art and design skills to create a pillow project.  A student will learn hand and machine sewing while reflecting on how his/her creative work provides insight into who they are.  Students will also begin using Naviance, a computer based, career exploration program.  These lessons are team taught by both a FACS teacher and guidance counselor.              

Eighth Grade Family and Consumer Sciences

Eighth Grade Family and Consumer Sciences

8th Grade FACS is a ten week course that  empowers students to begin  career and financial planning.  Students will use Naviance, participate in guest speaker presentations and perform foods labs focusing on international foods. Students will make a community connection by participating in a class community and service project.  Eighth graders will delve into who they are, what they would like  to achieve and how they can give back to others.  

Students in FACS