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Voice Recognition

Commack School District

Excellence in Education

School Wide Enrichment

The School-Wide Enrichment Program

Structure of the Program

Structure of the Program

Each class attends school-wide enrichment every other week for a 50 minute session. In addition, the collaborative school culture allows for the extension of these enrichment activities in special area classes.

What is STEAM?

What is STEAM?

STEM education refers to the areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. STEAM education incorporates the “A” for the arts – recognizing that to be successful in technical fields, individuals must also be creative and use critical thinking skills which are best developed through exposure to the arts. STEAM initiatives are means to encourage, educate, and prepare today’s youth to pursue careers in STEM-related fields.

School-Wide Enrichment Philosophy

School-Wide Enrichment Philosophy

  • Experiences and activities are purposefully designed to expose students to a wide variety of disciplines and topics that are not ordinarily covered in the regular curriculum.
  • Developing self-directed learning skills in the areas of planning, organization, resource utilization, time management, decision making, and self-evaluation.
  • Developing task commitment, self-confidence, and feelings of creative accomplishment

Lunch 'N Learn

Lunch 'N Learn

This enrichment branch provides opportunities for applying interests, knowledge, creative ideas, and task commitment to a self-selected problem or area of study.

Students can choose to bring their lunches to the enrichment room to eat and learn!

Enrichment Teachers

Enrichment Teachers

Ms. Persichilli - Sawmill                                    Mrs. Ryback & Mrs. Bernstein - Burr