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Voice Recognition

Commack School District

Excellence in Education

School Based Management

School Based Management

“Educating Everyone Takes Everyone”

Each building in the Commack School District has a School Based Management Committee, which includes parents, teachers, administration and support staff. The Burr Intermediate SBM Committee is committed to pursuing issues and facilitating changes that enhance the quality of education for all our students. To that end the Burr SBM Committee meets each month to discuss ideas and offer suggestions in the interest of our Burr Community. Parents are encouraged to communicate their ideas or concerns to the committee. Letters can be addressed to the SBM Committee through the Main Office or via email. SBM minutes can be found at the bottom of this page. The Burr Newsletter will continue to outline topics being discussed as well as decisions reached.


Mr. Daniel Ciccone Principal

Mrs. Jeanne Powers Assistant Principal

Mr. Dominic Fontana Grade 5  Teacher

Mrs. Nicole Ryback Chairperson/CTA Representative

Mrs. Jeanette LaMountain Grade 3 Teacher

Mrs. Laurie Katz Grade 4 Teacher

Mrs. Elizabeth Tanzi Grade 5 Teacher

Mrs. Krista Fehrenbach Grade 5 Teacher

Mrs. Betty Hand Secretary

Mrs. Andrea Nicolosi Speech Language Teacher

Mrs. Dawn DiStefano Parent

Mrs. Meg Evans Parent

Mrs. Candice Shcherbelis Parent

Monthly Minutes