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Voice Recognition

Commack School District

Excellence in Education

Cougar Achievement Award

Cougar Achievement Award

Cougar Achievement Awards recognize students for their involvement in or service to Commack High School. For each year a student achieves an award, he or she will receive a Cougar pin and certificate. Students will earn a Cougar Achievement Award based upon their participation in a variety of extra-curricular activities. In order to be recognized for an award, a student must achieve a total of 15 points in a single year. For each year a student achieves an award, he or she will be honored at a ceremony and will receive a Cougar pin and certificate.

The award presentation will be made at the end of the school year. A student who has been a recipient of this award for four years will receive a medallion for graduation. Students must meet a predetermined point threshold through their school involvements to be eligible to apply. Application includes an essay on the value of school involvement/giving back to the school community.

The Cougar Award Point Sheet application will be posted sometime in April. Each category lists the maximum points which can be awarded, with advisors and coaches making the actual determination of points. Points to be awarded at the discretion of the advisor.