Grades: The following are the criteria for determining marking period grades: Marking period 1 and 3 are pass/fail grading and 2 and 4 are numerical grades.
Attendance: Minimum of 20 minutes of after-school time for each school day in that week (for example, a 5-day week is 100 minutes while a 4-day week is only 80 minutes). The time will be calculated on a 2-week basis with a 200 minutes maximum. All students must log in their time and student time sheets will be recorded and graded on the second Friday of the 2-week time period. Note: 20% of the grade is attendance.
Mandatory Meetings: There is a mandatory weekly meeting each Tuesday or Wednesday at 2:30 PM, all students must attend 1 of the 2 weekly meetings for meeting credit that week.
Research Progress: Students will be required to demonstrate
progress in their research endeavors by good logbook records, completion of
required writing assignments and scheduled presentations.