The Heart of Collierville Schools

Heart of Collierville Schools
The Heart of Collierville Schools recognizes, honors, and publicly appreciates any CS employee for their commitment to excellence, professionalism, and lasting, positive impact that has no boundaries or borders. The Heart of Collierville Schools employee exemplifies and influences the cultivation of Scholarship, Integrity, and Service throughout our district. Click here to nominate someone for the Heart of Collierville Award. 
Recent Recipients
Bryan Finley (CES) Stefanie Simpson (CES)
Angela Elrod (CHS) Lindsay May (CHS)
Paige Woody (CMS) Len Landers (CMS)
Kimberly Barron (CMS) Maria Gitter (CMS)
Megan Murphy (CMS) Jan Greer (SFES)
Heidi Thevenot (SFES) Lydia McGuire (CWES)
Kortney Goodwin (CWES) Kristie Murin (CWES)