Free Or Reduced Lunch Application Available

Free or Reduced Lunch Application

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As of July 1st, the universal free breakfast and lunch Federal Waivers for COVID-19 have ended. Many of our families took advantage of the free breakfast and lunches offered over the past two years. Current grocery cost and the time it takes to shop, and prepare meals for your students, make our services a valuable commodity for our district families.


Parents who are interested in receiving free or reduced priced meals will need to fill out a lunch application (one per family) as was the process prior to COVID-19. It is not required for every family to fill out an application. Families qualify for free or reduced lunch based on income and household size. 



Five reasons we still need Free or Reduced Meal Applications: 

5 Reason for Free or Reduced Lunch


Parent/guardians will need to use your student's School Café # to access the application. If you need your student's School Café number to set up an account, call the Collierville Schools Nutrition Department at 901-286-6370, 901-286-6371, or 901-286-6372 between the hours of 7:30 AM-4:00 PM. 


Grace Period

Anyone with previous free or reduced status (Pre-COVID, 2019-20 School Year) will remain in status until September 19 or until they fill out a NEW application. 

Meal Prices for 2022-23

Breakfast: $1.75

Lunch K-8: $3.00

High School Lunch: $3.25


How To Load Money To School Café Account

1st through 12th grade parent/guardians can load money to their student's School Café account for breakfast, lunch, and snack A' La Carte items beginning on August 2. Kindergarten student's parents will need to wait until their student is added to the School Café system.
