Emotional Wellness Resources
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Often students experience personal or family challenges, situations and circumstances that may be beyond their control and affect them in adverse ways. CSI Educational Support Groups are available to support any students who are experiencing personal challenges, crisis and problems that are affecting their full potential in academic/personal success or concentration. The Clovis Support and Intervention program aims to identify struggling students and connect them with services available to help them in their school community. These Educational Support groups facilitate students connecting with two adult staff members and a small group of their peers with similar life challenges on a weekly basis for eight sessions. Some of these groups may include topics of general Teen Support, Grief and Loss, Divorce/Families in Transition, Anger Management, Bullying, Motivation, Family Illness, Drug and Alcohol Issues, and Pregnant and Parenting Teens. Students gain improved listening skills, communication skills and coping skills. These support groups are confidential and meet during the school day. Students are expected to make up the work missed for that class and work with the teacher to stay caught up.
This is a tier-two small group intervention intended to aid students that are faced with challenging life situations. This confidential program also allows students to connect with other peers who are facing similar circumstances, then discover that they are not alone. Each group is led by two trained adult staff and faculty members whose goal it is to provide the tools they need to help themselves. These 50-minute groups run for eight weeks, once a week, during class time. It is the student’s responsibility to communicate with his/her teacher in order make up missed work/notes. Each group member must have signed consent by a parent or guardian to participate.
This confidential service that is provided by the CSI Program through trained and certified staff, is based on the educational premise that: Students who receive help and support to deal with pressing personal concerns will be better able to focus their remaining energy more efficiently on their schoolwork and important tasks of developing academically, socially, and emotionally.
Students can be referred by themselves, parents, teachers, coaches, counselors, administrators, or any staff who are seeking help and support for students, through an online referral process or CSI Student Referral Forms located in the front office.
Please contact the REC CSI Site Coordinators for more information: TylerAkers@cusd.com (Clovis East) or CarenBurgess@cusd.com (Reyburn).