School Wide Behavior System
There are three main areas: Be Responsible, Be Respectful and Be Safe!
School wide and classroom rewards!
HERO Points to be redeemed for different incentives and/or for the Wolf Store.

Your child will be graded on their level of proficiency in showing their understanding of content.
NES= No evidence submitted
1= Shows no understanding
2= Shows some understanding
3= Shows understanding
4= Shows deep understanding
Other tests: ACCESS (Nationally Mandated), Common Core Test (IAR), MAP (Reading & Math)

A hotspot is a small, portable device which allows students to connect to the internet with their district-issued Chromebook in order to access digital resources and enrichment platforms to support learning anywhere.
Children will have access to a myriad of District 99 learning platforms and resources.
Hotspots can be returned to school for updating as soon as possible.

Social Studies/REACH
Physical Education

Shirts must be gray with a collar and long enough to stay tucked in pants.
Undershirts must be plain white.
Pants/Skirts must be navy blue.
Gray or navy blue sweatshirts or sweaters WITHOUT hoods may be worn.
Shoes must be one solid color: black, gray or white only.
Shoe tongues must be tucked inside pant leg.
Accessories: Black, Brown, Navy or White BELTS with a plain buckle are permitted but the strap must be in a loop not hanging.
Hands must be clean without any writing on them.
No distracting jewelry or bracelets are permitted.

When the student's absences reach 5% of the school year to date, Parent contact made by teacher.
When the student's absences reach 5% of the school year +1 day, Parent contact by the teacher and an attendance letter sent home.
When they student's absences reach 5% of the school year +2 days, Parent contact by a building administrator and an attendance letter sent home.
When the student's absences reach 5% of the school year +3 days, Parent conference with a building administrator and an attendance contract is created.
When the student's absences reach 5% of the school year +4 days, Home visit by District Truancy Officer.
If you need to report an absence, please call (708) 652-9440

Your child needs to read 30 MINUTES at home. Your child can take books home daily from classroom. Your child will choose ONE BOOK weekly from our school library.
Each week, students should be completing TWO Achieve 3000 activities with greater than 85% accuracy on the first attempt.
For Math, daily practice of what was learned in class will be assigned AND students can work in their online programs, iReady or Mathia.
Multiplication Facts: Your child needs to know the facts from 1-12. Daily practice for 5-10 minutes will make the difference academically. Your child will be tested weekly.
Homework for Social Studies, Sciences and Writing will be given sometimes. For projects students will work and complete them at home. Deadlines must be met.
For Writing, teachers will have a conference with your child to work on their writing pieces. Your child will learn the writing process.
Ask about our Principals Advisory Council, Monthly Assembly of Parents (AOP) at Cicero West, and Family Nights!
If you need help or need to report an absence, please call (708) 652-9440 before 8:00 a.m.
If you need to speak directly with the Principals please talk to them after school for a meeting or call the school for an appointment.
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