Dear Orin Smith Elementary Families,

Welcome to Orin Smith Elementary – Where Growing Greatness Awaits!

We want to extend a heartfelt welcome to all our new and returning students and families. As we embark on a new academic year, we’re excited to invite you to join us on a journey of growth, exploration and achieving new heights of greatness.

At Orin Smith Elementary, we believe in the incredible potential that resides within each individual. We’re committed to nurturing and guiding our students as they grow into remarkable individuals, each with their unique strengths and talents.

Each year we build on the previous year’s experiences, embracing the spirit of growth in every aspect of our school community. Our dedicated staff are here to support and nurture each student’s academic, personal and emotional growth. Their guidance helps students’ develop the skills and mindset needed to achieve greatness.

Parents and guardians, your partnership is invaluable. We encourage open communication and collaboration to ensure your child’s growth and success. We invite you to visit our continually updated school website to stay informed on the exciting year ahead. We’re committed to keeping you informed and connected. Together we can provide them with the strong foundation they need to flourish.

As we navigate the year ahead, let’s embrace the spirit of growing greatness. Thank you for your part in our OSE community. Here’s to a year filled with growth, learning and countless moments of greatness!

With warm regards,

Rachel Dorsey, OSE Principal

We are proud to be Orin C. Smith Cougars

Our team-oriented staff works closely with students and parents to create a school climate where each student may develop self-esteem while fulfilling his or her academic potential.

The core academic curriculum (reading, writing, communication, math, science, and social studies) is taught by the homeroom teacher. Music, physical education, typing and library are taught by specialists. In the fifth grade, beginning band, choir and orchestra are taught on a daily basis.

CLICK HERE for more information about how we are achieving new heights through our instructional practices.

Using the CharacterStrong Curriculum, we treat social skills and collaboration as essential components of education. CLICK HERE for more information.

School Mascot

School Colors
Crimson and Gray

School Motto
It’s a Great Day to be an Orin Smith Cougar!