Murdock Middle School

Sailing the Ship to Student Success

  • Murdock Middle School       
    17325 Mariner Way, Port Charlotte, FL 33948 
    Driving Directions to Murdock Middle School
    Hours of Operation:  8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
    Attendance Line:  941-255-7531
    Fax:  941-255-7533

    Our Mission: 

    "To improve the lives of students through education and mentorship." 

    Our Vision: 

    "To see our students become better people, have better lives, and create a better world." 

    ~Hold Fast, Stay True.~ 


School Flyers Powered by Peachjar

Open House Flyer

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Parent Focus Information

  • Parent Focus account sign up flyer. click the link to sign up and call the school at 941-255-7525 for parent pin/student ID #

MMS School Supply List

  • Image of a blue backpack.

    This is a generic list of supplies students can start with. Individual teachers may have additional supply requests that will be sent home with the student on the first day of school.

    Sketch of blue spiral notebook.

    • Backpack
    • Pencils/Pens
    • Highlighter
    • Notebook Paper (wide or college ruled)
    • 1 or 2 Three-ring Binders
    • Two-prong Pocket Folders (4)
    • Spiral Notebooks (2-4)
    • Erasers

school pickup/drop off info

Important School info: Earliest school drop off time is 8am. School pick-up time is 4:10pm and no early releases after 3:15pm
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If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.

Specific Material Objection Process & Objection Forms