
Ms. Kristine Nystrom

Hello everyone!

I am Ms. Nystrom and I am a new teacher here at Charlotte High School this year, teaching ELA I  (9th grade) and ELA II (10th grade).

Before teaching here at CHS I taught 6th grade ELA at Punta Gorda Middle School.  Although I am new here at CHS, I do know the Tarpon traditions that come with being a student here.  I graduated from Charlotte High School, and both my children have also graduated from CHS.  My son James just graduated last year and is now a student at UCF, while my daughter Talia graduated in the class of 2019. 

I have a B.A. degree in Public Relations and Advertising from the University of Central Florida.  In my previous jobs before transferring over to teaching, I worked doing speech writing. 

I am looking forward to all the memories we are going to make together this year.