- Be positive
- Come to class on time, prepared, and ready to learn
- Keep an open mind
- Be respectful
- Use appropriate language
- Remain seated during class
- Use all classroom equipment appropriately
- Be engaged
- Participation is key to success
- Cell phones should be put away during instruction
- Be prepared to work from bell to bell-do not pack up early or stand by the door
- Desks should be clear of all belongings except materials needed for current lesson
- Be determined
- Plagiarism/cheating will not be tolerated and will result in a zero and possible administrative action
- Complete all assignments in a timely manner
- Check FOCUS regularly in order to monitor grades
- Attendance:
- It is YOUR responsibility to get all missing work, notes, and announcements.
- Per CCPS policy, excused absences receive two days to make up work
- Entering/Leaving class
- Must have ID, planner signed, and sign out at the door
- Do not disrupt others when exiting or entering the room