
    Preschool and Kindergarten Wallpaper for Classroom Wall Decoration ... 

    Dear Family,

    It is a pleasure to welcome you and your child to Kindergarten at Vineland Elementary School. 

    Here is some information about starting off the new school year:)

    Be on the Lookout for our Monthly Optional Homework Packets- and remember to read daily as it is stated in the compact.

     All Kindergarten students will attend Physical Education 2 x's a week and will have RECESS daily.  It is recommended that students wear sneakers EVERY DAY to school.  Also, please be sure to bring a water bottle every day with his/her name on it. PLEASE NO JUICE OR GATORADE– IT IS NOT PERMITTED IN THE CLASSROOM.

     School Supplies– See list of supplies– we strongly encourage your little one to have a primary journal.

     Dress Code

    We are a uniform school. Please refer to your uniform brochure for more information.  Children should wear comfortable clothing suitable for weather conditions of the day. 

     Upcoming News and Events - please check your REMIND - we utilize this app for upcoming events and school information.

    Thank you and we look forward to an amazing year! We are super excited to have your little ones join the Vineland family!!

    "Dream Big"

    :) The Kindergarten Team

    Mrs. Prummell

    Mrs. Boling

    Mrs. Swartz

    Mrs. Schwab