Records Retention

  • Person carrying a huge stack of folders. Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), parents and students over the age of 18 are provided certain rights regarding the student's education records. For a detailed outline of these rights, please visit the United States Department of Education Website at:

    Parents or legal guardians have the right to review records maintained on their child; a right to the record and a right to contest information contained in the records. Requests for appointments to review or to contest student records should be made to the principal or her/his designees.

    Copies of a student's record may be sent to a school outside of the Charlotte County Public School system upon receipt of an official written request, you can find a copy of our request form on our Transcript and Record Requests page. Such requests will be honored by the schools if attendance occurred within the previous 3 years. Parents and eligible students have a right to inspect records sent to other schools. Requests for records from all other sources require written permission of the parent/guardian.

    School transcripts are available through the last school of attendance if graduation or attendance occurred within the last 3 years. After 3 years, records are forwarded to ICS for storage and are maintained indefinitely. For information relating to school transcripts, please contact the most recent school of attendance. For information older than 3 years, please visit the records request page.