• Special Programs- 504s, IEPs, and More


    Special Programs

    Students who require more support or enhanced enrichment may be eligible for one of the following services. These students are typically identified as needing these supports or enrichment through the Response to Intervention (RTI) process using Multi Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS). To learn more about that process please visit the link on this page regarding RTI. For more information please feel free to email me with questions and visit the resources listed below.


    What is Section 504?

    • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 protects the civil rights of individuals with disabilities. Public schools must provide accommodations and services for students with special needs. Students in preschool, elementary, secondary and adult education programs and activities may receive accommodations or services.
    • School districts must make reasonable accommodations to allow students an opportunity to participate in school and school-related activities. Disabled students should receive services that are equal to, and as effective as, other students. It is not the intent of Section 504 to provide program(s) that are fundamentally different from existing opportunities. (Retrieved from Charlotte County Public Schools 504 Policy Manual).
    • For more information please refer to: https://www.yourcharlotteschools.net/domain/4069

    McKay Scholarship:


    What is an IEP?


    Gifted Education:

    • Students can be identified as possible candidates for gifted education through parent request or teacher recommendation. In Charlotte County, students are then screened using the Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test, Second Edition (KBIT-2) and a gifted characteristics checklist. Parents will be notified the results of this screening with further information regarding assessment if eligible. To learn more about gifted education in the State of Florida please visit- http://www.fldoe.org/academics/exceptional-student-edu/gifted-edu.stml
      *Charlotte County Public Schools neither endorses or belongs to any of the independent (outside site) links on this page. They are provided as a resource only, and CCPS is not responsible for each site's content.