Phone: 914 575-5440 ext: 2029


Mr. Reggie Reed

I am an SJE, PGMS, CHS alum from the class of 2006. This is my second full year teaching at SJE. Most students recognize me from my prior years subbing at SJE while some teachers recognize me as a former student. I enjoy the interaction with the students the most. Whether its being able to make them smile while they learn or getting them through difficult times these moments make the job worthwhile. This is why i enjoy teaching.

Education: I got may Associates degree from Edison state college which has since become florida southwestern state college. I then received my Bachelors from Florida Gulf Coast University.


Mission Statement: My Mission is to help students create a foundation that not only carries through elementary but through everyday life. I want my students to establish a work ethic that pushes them through any hardships with unwavering belief in their own abilities to succeed.