About Me

Phone: 941-2557460 Ext. 227

Email: stacy.banks@yourcharlotteschools.net

Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Science in Education
Masters of Science in Education K-12 Studies
Certified by the State of Florida General Science grades 5-9

Ms. Stacy Banks

I am a dedicated and motivated educator that believes that all children can learn and achieve in a learning environment that is encouraging and supportive of their unique learning style and abilities.

  • Teacher Contact Information

    Mrs. Stacy Banks
    7th & 8th Grade Science
    Room- B4
    Phone-941-255-7460 Ext. 227
    Email- stacy.banks@yourcharlotteshools.net
    Webpage- https://www.yourcharlotteschools.net/Domain/3667