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- Hill, Stephanie
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Phone: 941-575-5475 ext. 138
Email: stephanie.hill@yourcharlotteschools.net
Degrees and Certifications:
Mrs. Stephanie Hill
I am a Speech Language Pathologist for Charlotte County. I have worked for the County for approximately 20 years now and have been at East for the past 3 years. I work with Pk through 5th grade. We work on articulation (how to produce sounds in words, sentences, conversation, using smooth speech) as well as language skills (turn taking, comprehension skills, social skills, etc.) I am a FL native and raised in Ft. Myers. My husband, Ed, and I have been married for 8 years, we have four dogs, turtles, tortoises, fish, and a daughter named Nikki.
Mrs. Hill's office hours:
Mon - Fri 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
I will be available via phone and text through Remind as well as email at Stephanie.hill@yourcharlotteschools.net (But you can message anytime & I'll get back to you )
If you have not already connected with your Speech / Language class via Remind please do so using the appropriate code:
Pk Walkins SLP kids 19-20 @pkwalki
Pk Cheatham's class SLP kids 19-20 @8ch934
East Kinder SLP kids 19-20 @fk9edh8
East 1st SLP KIDS 19-20 @44a6baf
East 2nd SLP kids 19-20 @2ck47a9
East 3rd SLP kids 19-20 @hf922h4
East 4th SLP kids 19-20 @b664c7
East 5th SLP kids 19-20 @f7e9ae