- Pleasant Valley Elementary
- A Look at Pleasant Valley
"A school with deep historical roots, a unique environment, an experienced staff and high-performing students."
A look at our students and school:
We have a very rich, diverse population of students that we are very proud of in their academics and positive behaviors.We are lucky to have so much property around our school which is rich in the natural environment. We have 7 acres that has been reforested over the last 10 years. On our property we have a seasonal creek, a pond, a sewage waste plant, and lots of land beyond our playground and building site. The first year was spent working at removing invasive species of plant life such as blackberry plants and logging trees that are invasive also. Swales and rain gardens surround our grounds with more to be put in. There are some berry plants, fruit trees and some vegetables planted. We have Literacy Gardens and 3 B (birds, bees, butterfly attractant plants) Gardens at different locations on our grounds.
A look at our parents:
An active PTA brings the community together for special events that benefit the school and its students. Our PTA and parents meet every other month for an evening meeting on the second Monday beginning in September at 6:30. Pleasant Valley parents support our school by volunteering in the classroom, assisting the teacher by doing projects at home, helping with clerical tasks and organizing special events. Our PTA organizes our Back to School Ice Cream Social, Santa’s Breakfast and Carnival as well as other events throughout the year. Our PTA runs our fundraisers with the proceeds supporting many programs for our school.Programs:
All students have vocal music twice a week and PE twice each week. Band is offered to 6th graders after school at Centennial High School on a twice weekly basis. A media assistant meets with every classroom once a week in the library for book check out. Our counselor meets with every classroom once a week for Character Strength lessons. We have a Chess for Success Club that runs from October through March.PV Wildside Project:
The “Wildside”, as named by students, was begun in 2007. It involves restoring native areas and educating people about them. We have had three goals since the beginning: Improve soil and water quality, provide native plant and animal habitat, and encourage the public with education and enjoyment of the environment. Students and their families have planted over 4,000 trees, eliminated five acres of invasive blackberry, and continue to restore other areas around the school. All work integrates reading, writing, math, science, speaking and art!Transportation:
All PV students have the option of riding the school bus because the neighborhood is rural and we have no sidewalks for walking safely.Child Care:
A private day care provider offers before and after-school care in our building. For information, contact Champions at 503-803-0366.