- Centennial School District 28J
- Board FAQs
Frequently Asked Question
What is the board’s role?
The board is comprised of seven publicly elected community members who serve four-year terms and are non-paid. Three board members reside in the zone they represent and four serve at-large representing the district as a whole (Board Zone Map).
What is the purpose of the board meetings?
Board meetings are not public meetings, but are meetings held in public for the purpose of conducting the business of the school district. All business is conducted in public with the exception of items discussed in confidential executive sessions as allowed by state statute.
When does the board meet?
The Centennial School District Governing Board generally meets at 6:30 pm twice monthly. The board meeting schedule for the upcoming school year is adopted at a spring board meeting and posted to the district website for reference. The superintendent and board officers may choose to change any of the regular board meeting dates to a board work session as needed. As required by law, any changes to the board meeting schedule will be posted here.
Please see above for information about the Public Comment process. Please note: This would not, however, include any issue pertaining to a personnel matter.
Where does the board meet?
Currently, due to the pandemic, the Board is meeting in a hybrid format. Board members and key staff meet in person in the Centennial School District main office board room. The public may join the meeting via a Zoom app link which is published on CSD's website. For board meeting location information, please visit the Board meeting schedule page here.
The board is responsible for providing an educational program for the district’s roughly 6,000 students. They do not have offices in school district buildings.
The board’s main responsibility is to set up the district’s mission, vision and priorities. The board is further responsible for setting district policy and budget priorities upon which all administrative actions are based.
The board is further responsible for hiring the superintendent. The superintendent, in turn, is responsible for carrying out board decisions, providing educational leadership, and managing the district’s budget and staff.