Helpful Links & FAQ’s

Volunteer Background Check

W4 - How Do I Change My Withholdings?

  •  Also, before officially changing your withholding did you run a preliminary calculation through the Employee Web Portal?  Through the portal you will hoover on the blue/purple border over EMPLOYEE RESOURCES | COMPENSATION | PAY PERIOD (at the bottom of the page is a PAYCHECK CALCULATOR).

Teacher Standards and Practices Commission (TSPC)

  • Do I need to track CPD's in order to renew my teaching license?

    • Depends on your license, refer to the letter TSPC sent you or check the FAQ's here.
    • To enter your CPDs for licensure renewal refer to your PGA notebook, or access through the district Intranet.  Professional Development Units (PDUs)
      • For information concerning the PDU requirements specific to individual license types, please click here.
      • This is the form for Verifying Attendance at Event for PDU credit.  If you plan to attend an event that is eligible for PDU credit but the event does not provide a certificate of attendance, please fill out the top portion of this form and take it to the event.  Request that an authority figure related to sponsorship of the event sign the form, verifying your attendance.