Dear Parents/Guardians:


    This Spring, Teacher-Parent-Student Conferences will be available in person and/or zoom and are scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday, April 26 & 27thThere will be no school from Wednesday, April 26th through Friday, April 28th.   The purpose of  conferences is for families to have an opportunity to connect with teachers and to discuss student progress. Interpreters will be provided for families needing the service. Often, busy schedules limit the time that teachers and parents can share information, so making the most of opportunities such as conferences becomes even more important. Please make this conference a high priority for communicating with your child’s teacher!


    Butler Creek is using PTCFast.com to make signups as convenient as possible this year. Please click on the link below to begin the process. You will then be able to select your child's teachers (including Music and PE), and the day and appointment time that you prefer. You can also find the link on the Butler Creek website. After signing up, you will receive an appointment confirmation email. If you do not receive an email within 24 hours, please check your SPAM or Junk folder.


    Please sign up for an appointment by Tuesday, April 25th.

    Follow this link for Spring Conferences


    Register for conferences:  


    How to Register in SPANISH


    How to Register in RUSSIAN


    How to Register in ENGLISH