- Canaseraga Central School District
- Welcome to the Special Education Department at Canaseraga Cental School
Canaseraga Central SchoolSpecial Education DepartmentMs. Lori Rung - School Psychologist and CSE/CPSE Chairperson
Ms. Molly Karnes - Student Services AssistantThe priority of the Special Education Department is to ensure that the individual and unique needs of each child are met in accordance with State and Federal Regulations. Our goal is “to provide the access and opportunity for each individual to participate in programs of study that will enhance the individual's ability and desire to participate in society” (BOE Philosophy Statement).If you have questions or concerns about your child’s development or educational needs, please contact the Special Education Office and arrangements will be made to meet with you.Lori Rung, School Psychologist and CSE Chairpersonlrung@ccsdny.orgMolly Karnes, Student Services Assistantmkarnes@ccsdny.org607-545-6421 ext. 114FAX: 607-545-8393Coming together, sharing together,
working together,succeeding together.