What is Spanish Dual Language Immersion?

  • In an immersion classroom, Spanish is not taught as a subject; Spanish is the language in which instruction is delivered. Immersion students master the curriculum objectives in all subject areas, while becoming fluent in a second language. Research overwhelmingly supports this approach. The cognitive ability of young children to adopt a second language is well documented and considered the best time to learn a second language.



    Communities with native Spanish-speaking populations can benefit from the dual immersion model, a program that promotes academic achievement through enrichment rather than remediation. Native English speaking students benefit from the rigor inherent in learning through another language. Native Spanish speakers benefit from the enriched academic environment. Most importantly, Spanish speakers who learn English in a dual immersion classroom become fully fluent in English by 5th grade. In addition, Spanish-speaking children become full proficient in reading and math.



    In Spanish Dual Language Immersion classrooms, students receive instruction and learn content through both their native language and target language.  


    To find out more about North Carolina Dual Language Immersion Programs, visit DPI's DLI Website or use the links below:



    • Roberta Road Middle School parent Information Presentation (coming soon)


    What Does a Typical Day Look Like in Spanish Dual Language Immersion Classrooms?

    The 50/50 Spanish Dual Language Immersion program groups native speakers of English with native speakers of  Spanish. The mix is approximately 50 percent of each group and both become bilingual, biliterate and bicultural. Instruction is provided both in English and in Spanish on alternate days (A Day/B Day rotation). Students have the benefit of receiving instruction from  two highly qualified teachers. For example, students receive instruction from their English speaking teacher on A Day and then receive instruction from their Spanish speaking teacher on B Day.


    What are Some of the Benefits of a Spanish Dual Language Program?

    • Students develop stronger thinking skills
    • Students have a better understanding of math concepts and problems
    • Students show an increase in reading comprehension
    • Students increase focusing skills
    • Students outperform their peers on various assessments
    • Students have greater career opportunities



Where is Spanish Immersion in Cabarrus County Schools?

Spanish Immersion Program Pathway Graphic

Our Spanish Immersion Schools


    • No transportation is provided for elementary dual language immersion unless a student attends within their home school zone.


    Hub Stops for Roberta Road Middle:

    • Harris Road Middle

       Bus Icon

Program Requirements

    • Application only for rising kindergarten students
    • Renewal application for 6th grade students

    Apply Now

Last Modified on April 3, 2023