Phone: 704-260-6790 ext. 51311


Degrees and Certifications:

BS in Education,
Elementary Education, Teacher of the Handicapped
M.Ed. The Art of Teaching, Teaching License in Early Childhood Education Birth through Kindergarten

Ms. Mary Darby

My name is Mary Darby, and I am so excited to be the teacher of The Beautiful Butterfly Class for the 2020-2021 school year! This is my 30th year teaching Exceptional Children. It is my 8th year teaching here at Mary Frances Wall Center. Before that, I taught for 22 years in New Jersey, where I am from originally. My undergraduate degree provided me with dual certification in Elementary Education and Special Education. I have received a master’s degree in the Art of Education. I also hold a Teaching License in Early Childhood Education Birth through Kindergarten. But despite all my degrees and all the classes that I have taken, I learn the most and experience the most joy from working with children each and every day!

Last Modified on February 12, 2021