Transportation & Procedures

Homeroom Start Time: 8:10 AM
2:15 PM
Early Release: 
10:45 AM
Two Hour Delay Start Time:
10:10 AM

Bus Schedules

- If driving students to school, please note that vehicles will enter on Pine Glen Way and follow the route past the main entrance of the building to the sidewalk peninsula with the tree.  

- After dropping off or picking up students, vehicles will exit on Pine Glen Way. Buses will be doing arrivals and departures on Gardner Way like last year.  

- Parents and guardians can not let students be unsupervised or have them leave a vehicle before 7:55 am.

- When students leave a vehicle or bus, they will enter the building at different locations based on grade like last year. Upon entering the building students will go to their classroom. Staff will be outside and teachers will be looking in the hallways to help students find their classrooms. Parents, relatives, and friends can not escort or follow students up to their classrooms in order to keep us safe.  

- Entrance and exiting locations from the building for drop-off and pick-up are the same as last year. 

- Students in grades kindergarten and first will enter the doors on the first floor of the classroom wing of the building.  
- Students in second and third grade will go up the stairs and enter the doors on the second floor of the classroom wing.  
- Students in fourth and fifth grade will enter the doors in the hallway closest to the classroom wing.  

- Dismissal will follow the same route as morning drop-off.

- Students will be dismissed and wait for pickup outside in front of the building.

- Please make students know the vehicle they will be leaving in and the person picking them up.

Students will inform teachers of their vehicles and then proceed to them.

- Please do not text while in the line and be overly alert of the cars and people around you.

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