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Counseling Services
The Ginther School is committed to helping all students become effective learners, achieve personal and social goals, and develop into responsible, contributing members of society. For many of our students, the Ginther School is the first school experience they have had and we work hard to make sure it is a fun, supportive environment.
In addition to providing traditional individual and group counseling, parent-teacher conferences, and professional and teacher consultations, I conduct a weekly lesson in every classroom in the school. The lessons are designed to promote self-reflection and regulation, conflict management skills, problem solving, kindness, empathy, and a wide array of other social/emotional skills.
Having every student in the building learn the same lessons gives all students the same language and skills to use and practice with each other and other adults in the building regardless of where they are in the school and what they are doing. Please click on the weekly lesson sections to see what lessons I am conducting in the classroom. I encourage you to use some of the ideas to help out at home as well. Most students love teaching their grown-ups what they are learning in school!For more information, please contact:
Cassandra Fleck
Certified School Counselor
(585) 637-1830
Email me