Emergency Closings

  • Parents of children attending Brighton Central Schools are reminded that the following procedures will be followed when bad weather or emergencies make it necessary for classes to be cancelled or dismissed early.

    1. School closings will be announced on local radio and TV stations by 6 a.m. They will also be communicated through the District website, eNews, and an automated phone call and text message. If in-person instruction is not able to be provided, the District will provide a school day remotely on a schedule to be provided by each building.  

    2. If schools are open and individual parents determine that weather conditions are too severe to send their own children, the parents should contact each child’s school, inform the secretary, and write a note to that effect when the child returns to school.

    3. Early dismissals due to bad weather are kept to a minimum. The stations listed above will be informed of early dismissals. Parents are requested not to call or drive to school so phone lines and driveways can be kept clear.

    4. Parents should develop a plan for their children in the event a parent is not home at the time of early dismissal. Parents should provide their children’s teachers with written information on any special circumstances at home that the teacher should know in case of early dismissal: working parents, child care arrangements, etc. Children should also be instructed in these arrangements by the parent.

    5. No Brighton school bus transportation will be provided for any student for any purpose when schools are closed for the day.

    6. Community Education classes are considered cancelled when schools are closed.

    7. Athletic cancellations are recorded on the Sports Line at (585) 242-5244.