• Welcome to United States History

    United States History & Government: This is a one-year course culminating at the end of the 11th grade with the Regents US History & Government exam, a requirement for a high school diploma in New York State.

    It is a chronologically organized study of United States history:

    Unit I: Geography of the United States

    Unit II: American Beginnings to 1788

    Unit III: The Constitution of the United States of America

    Unit IV: Early Republic

    Unit V: The Causes and Effects of the Civil War

    Unit VI: The Industrial Revolution

    Unit VII: Progressive Reform

    Unit VIII: Foreign Policy at the Turn of the Century

    Unit IX: The Roaring 20’s and the Depressing 30’s

    Unit X: Domestic Policy (1940’s to Present)

    Unit XI: Foreign Policy (1940’s to Present)

    Unit XII: A Postindustrial Society: Living in a Global Age



    We will also focus on the following themes throughout the year:

    • Democratic Ideals: struggle to gain and maintain rights
    • Diversity and Unity: the many peoples, cultures, and faiths
    • Individualism vs. Collectivism: putting needs of self or whole first
    • Expansion: the increasing role of the US in a global community
    • Citizenship: interaction with issues that impact our lives