Lab stuff
Related Files
Cockroach Data
Use this data for the cockroach lab if you were unable to access it. -
Enzyme lab part 1 logger pro graphs
data table and graphs from the logger pro software -
Enzyme Lab part 1 logger pro data table
computer data of enzyme reaction (DO) vs temp -
Enzyme Lab part 2 data
enzyme dilution data -
plant/fish respiration lab
photosynthesis and respiration lab -
fish ph
photosynthesis respiration lab fish ph -
plant ph
photosynthesis respiration lab -
AP BIO - Prasctice graph
Do this parctice graph as part of your lab analysis. The measurements you make on the gel must be graphed on logrithmic grah paper to show the equivalent distance to base pair. For your gel, map the distance of the standard and deterrmine the base pair length of your samples on the standard curve.