My Homework

  • Welcome to Mr. Kantz's homework page!



    “Success in college is much more related to a student’s work ethic and self-discipline than to absolute intelligence or excellent test-taking ability.” ~ Seth Wagerman & David Funder, UC Riverside


    Please be advised of the following:


    1) "Best practice" regarding homework means keeping an assignment book/daily planner which you update

          upon entering class.  The most current assignments will be posted in class on a daily basis.


    2) Please contact me ( or one of your assigned homework partners for

         clarification of assignments.


    3) Please refer to specific homework policies on each of the individual course pages, including: 


    Late homework assignments (except in cases of legal absences) will receive point deductions.  See me A.S.A.P. if you are having trouble completing an assignment; and remember, it is always better to turn in at least a partially completed assignment than no assignment at all.  PLEASE NOTE:  Absence is not an excuse for late essays.  A late penalty applies for such essays unless accompanied by a note from a parent.  Truancy = 0 and no makeup opportunity. 


    * See my homepage documents for MLA formatting requirements and information on plagiarism.