Brighton Support Team

  • Brighton Support Team (BST)

    “The mission of the Brighton Support Team (BST) is to support the whole learner.  BST helps to identify BHS students that are struggling academically, socially, and/or emotionally. BST works creatively with different stakeholders in a team model to implement interventions to support the student.  BST participants range from administrators, counselors, teachers, and other staff members.”

    There are three Small Group BST teams divided up alphabetically by administrators (A-G, H-O, P-Z).  Each team consists of the administrator for that section of the alphabet, counselor(s) working with that alphabet, a Skills Lab staff member, and 3-4 teachers.

    The Large Group BST team consists of administrators and counselors. This group meets twice per month to discuss the more severe cases.  Students recommended for program changes (such as AIM) are discussed at these meetings.

    The Brighton Support Center teacher sits on all BST teams and attends all BST meetings.  This allows each group to work creatively as a sub group while also maintaining a sense of uniformity.  Additionally, it provides a consistent protocol for meeting schedules, recommendations, continuum of services, and tracking of progress.