Council Rock Primary School



    Description: C:\Documents and Settings\kihrig\Desktop\CRPS Picture.jpg       Friday, November 3, 2023


           Friday, November 17, 20223


           Friday, December 01, 2023


           Friday, December 08, 2023


           Monday, April 08, 2024


           Friday, May 24, 2024


           Lunch is not served.




    The bus number will be the same as the normal drop-off.


    **Changes in transportation need to be made in writing.

    Please send them in to your child’s teacher.**



    Please check with your day care to make appropriate arrangements for this half day.



    If you come to pick up a student, please observe the no parking signs on Grosvenor near the school.  Please do not block any driveways or fire hydrants on nearby streets.