• Community Approves 2018-19 School Budget and Propositions

    Residents of the Brighton Central School District approved a $78,330,553 budget for the 2018-19 school year by a vote of 1,345 to 191 in May. The budget received an 87.5 percent “yes” vote, the highest passage rate in District history. The projected tax levy increase for 2018-19 is 2.36%.

    Four propositions were also on the ballot. The first proposal, approved 1,402 to 164, authorized the withdrawal of $1,500,000 from the Capital Reserve Fund (General) to fund the construction of alterations, renovations and improvements to each of the District’s existing school buildings and facilities and reduce the debt obligation related to the Brighton Facilities Improvement Plan approved in May 2017.

    The second proposition, approved 1,391 to 199, authorized the transfer of $500,000 from the Capital Reserve Fund (Technology) to the District’s General Operating Fund and to expend this sum from the District’s General Operating Fund for computer-related equipment and technology-related infrastructure.

    The third proposition, approved 1,410 to 181, authorized the transfer of $125,000 from the Capital Reserve Fund (Bus Purchase) to the District’s General Operating Fund and to expend this sum from the District’s General Operating Fund for the purchase of three passenger vans seating 10 to 14 passengers.

    The fourth proposition, approved 1,351 to 234, established the walking distances from home-to-school as follows: Kindergarten, first, and second grades: 1/8 mile; third, fourth, and fifth grades: 1/4 mile; and, grades 6-12: 3/4 mile for the 2018-19 school year and thereafter.

    Voters also elected two board members to the Board of Education: Christina Lee and Mark Kokanovich. Lee received 877 votes, Kokanovich received 800 votes, Martha Sciremammano received 769 votes, and Cindy Sobieraj received 430 votes.

    “I’m excited to let you know that our budget was approved with an 87.5 percent yes vote,” said Superintendent Dr. Kevin McGowan. “This is the highest percentage of yes votes in our history. The other propositions all passed by similar margins. These results are a referendum on our work each day and on the faith that our community has in the District.

    “Congratulations to Mark Kokanovich on his reelection to the Board and to Christina Lee on her election to a first term. Special thanks to Martha Sciremammano whose lifetime of service began as the mom to two Brighton grads, continued as a PTSA chair, Life Member, President, and has continued as a Festival of Ideas Chair and Board of Education member since 2001. We have been very fortunate to work with Martha and benefited from her compassion for children and commitment to making each and every experience a great one for the students in our schools. We wish her the best in her future endeavors and thank her for her incredible service.”