• Informational Meeting is scheduled for September 15, in room 262. Our first meeting is on September 22. Meetings are held on Thursdays, from 3:00 - 3:45 pm; location TBA. 

    Genesee Valley Forensic League: Tournament Dates for 2018-19

    9/29           McQuaid 

    10/13         SOTA

    10/20         Mt. Mercy (Buffalo) -- we will not attend this tournament

    10/27         TBA (possibly Thomas, possibly NONE)

    11/3           Schroeder 

    11/10         McQuaid

    11/17         NONE

    12/8           Harley 

    12/15         NONE            

    1/5/19        Thomas

    1/12           Harley  

    2/9             Mt. Mercy -- state qualifier

    3/2             Schroeder -- national qualifier

    4/6&7        State Tournament, Hofstra University



    Additional information is also available at the National Speech and Debate Association  http://www.speechanddebate.org and Debate Central http://debate-central.ncpa.org

    For anyone interested in Dramatic Interpretation, links to texts of dramatic pieces are attached, and several ADDITIONAL NEW SCRIPTS are available (see Ms. Flynn). *Possibilities for DI


    Are there fees to participate?

    Individual membership dues are $15. Entry fees for each GVFL tournament are $5 per student, per event.

    Do I need to attend all the tournaments to be part of the team?

    You are not required to attend all the meets, but it is suggested that you participate in as many possible. Permission forms must be completed, signed, and given to the advisor, prior to participation.

    What are the transportation arrangements?

    You will be expected to provide your own transportation to the meets. Permission form #3 is required.

    When do meets take place? What's the format?

    Meets take place on Saturdays, usually once or twice a month (see dates above). 

    Sample Schedule:

    8:00 – 8:30 AM - Registration 

    8:45 – 9:00 AM - Organizational Meeting 

    9:15 – 10:15 AM – Round One 

    10:15-11:15 AM – Round Two 

    11:15 – 12:15 PM – Round Three 

    1:00 – 1:30 PM – Awards are presented; ballots are given to coaches and shared with participants

    Who judges us?

    The judges are teachers, coaches, and parents from the local schools, and sometimes team alumni return to judge. However, we will also be calling upon your parents to judge occasionally, if they are willing. It is an absolute necessity, if we are going to be a successful team,that we have people other than the coaches who can judge.

    Do I need to practice or prepare outside of our meetings?

    Practices are held on Thursdays (2-3 times per month). We request everyone come from 2:50-3:45 to participate in debates, practice their speeches, or write their cases. Much of the work for debate – including research and practice – is done on your own, but Thursdays will give you an opportunity to practice and receive feedback. You are more likely to be competitive if you prepare and practice at home, as well as at school.

     What do I need to wear?

    It is expected that you dress professionally. For young men, a shirt and tie with dress pants or suit is expected. For young women there are more options: a dress, a skirt and blouse, pants and a jacket, or a women’s business suit are all appropriate forms of attire.