Our Council Rock Library


    Caldecott & COUNCIL ROCK-decott!

    council rockdecott image



    We had so much fun with visiting author Liza Wiemer!

    liza wiemer image








    We sure had fun!

    Thank you to Hayley and John Rocco,

    Brighton PTSA,  Brighton Education Fund and Author's Note!

    hayley rocco pres


    john hayley pres




    Click Here for more info & the Order Form


    Hayley and John Rocco will also be at the Winton Road Library:






    Have a Great Summer!!

    Summer Reading & Learning at the Brighton Memorial Library

    oceans image

    BML SR 2022


    nolen visit pic We had a great visit (+ Book Birthday Party)!  



    jerdine signing info

    Click here to print:  

    jerdine signing form

    jerdine book fair flyer



    New Year, NEW Library Space!!

    Click here to see a little video:

    library video

    library pic 1


    library pic 2  library pic 3




    Each class comes once per cycle (check their backpack for a handy reminder to color and stick on the fridge!).   We will have fun, be silly, explore books and electronic resources, support classroom learning and generally enjoy hanging out together.   

    Kindergarteners will check out one book at a time, first graders may have two, and second graders are allowed three books.      

    Children may return their book and get a new one the next time their class comes to Library, OR anytime, really.  As long as it is okay with the teacher, it’s okay with us.   

    If a student forgets their book on Library day we won’t be mad!  They won’t be able to get a new book, though.     As soon as they bring in their old book they may get a new one (as above, we welcome students anytime).   

    If a book is well and truly lost, we will send a bill home, so that we can purchase a replacement.  If the book is found after that, please bring it in, and we’ll arrange for a refund (after doing a happy dance, of course!).   

    If a book gets damaged, please send it in right away – we may be able to save it!  If not, a replacement bill will be sent home.   

    If you would like to volunteer in the library, we would love to have you – just contact our PTSA Volunteer Coordinator Kate: klrmchugh@gmail.com    

    It was so great to meet your child (or see them again)!  I’m looking forward to a great year.   Please be in touch if you have any questions or concerns – thanks!

    Adele Mockevicius,  Council Rock Librarian:  adele_mockevicius@bcsd.org    (585) 242-5170 


    letter image


    You can find this year's Library schedule hereCRPS Library Schedule 2021-22










    tails and tales cropped



    Summer Reading and Learning at the Brighton Memorial Library!



    2021 summer reading lists

    crps reading list

    fres 3 reading list




    Thanks to the Brighton PTSA for supporting our Book Fair! 

    online book fair half sheet







    Julia Cook Flyer





    Hello from the Council Rock Primary School Library!


    It has been terrific seeing the students again!  I love the smiles I see remotely, and the shining eyes of our hybrid students.  I hope they can sense the smile beneath my mask 😊  


    Things sure are different this year!  This letter will give you an idea of what to expect from Library class.  If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out:  adele_mockevicius@bcsd.org



    • Instead of kids coming to Library, I’ll be coming to them!

    • We meet once per cycle (depending on their cohort) for a fun half hour Library lesson

    • Students will choose books from a cart with a wide variety, chosen by library staff

      • K will take one book

      • 1st graders are allowed two books

      • 2nd graders may take three

    • Kids can exchange their books for new ones in two ways:

      • By bringing the books on their next Library day

      • When their teacher allows during our Open Library Time (mornings and afternoons)



    • Instead of kids coming to Library, I will Zoom in to them!

    • We meet once per cycle for half an hour (Classroom teachers shared this link with you.)

    • During the lesson, I may direct kids to Seesaw for some fun stuff.  You will find the message:

      • In Student Seesaw app

        • In the Library classroom tab

          • In the Inbox

        • Students do not need to leave the Zoom to go into Seesaw



    • Wednesdays, I will put something into Seesaw for the kids, if their class is regularly scheduled for that cycle day. It’s up to the teachers whether or not to send kids to look at a particular time.


    I’m looking forward to a creative, wonderful year of sharing!

    Again – if you have any questions/concerns/anything, please get in touch:  adele_mockevicius@bcsd.org

    😊 Ms. Mockevicius





    grace lin visit

    Grace Lin Visit!