Homework Expectations

  • Homework is an integral part of a student's learning. Assignments are a way for us to reinforce skills we are teaching in the classroom. It is important that students complete assignments each night and return them to the classroom on the date they are due.

    It is also very important that students are using their homework planners each night to record their assignments. Parents should be signing planners each night after checking to see if the students have completed their homework.

    Our homework assignments will be fairly consistent from week to week...

    *Math homework will be assigned each night Monday through Thursday.

    *A spelling list will be sent home on Monday with an assignment that is due on Wednesday. It is also expected that students are practicing their spelling words each night to prepare for the final spelling test on Friday.

    *Project Read assignments will appear in each Friday's FRES 4 Newletter and will be due the following Friday.

    *Students should also be reading at home each night for at least twenty minutes.