About the Library
The French Road Elementary School Library has an outstanding book and audio-book collection of over 17,000 volumes which supports the curriculum and reading needs of students, grades 3-5.
Contact: phone 242-5214 ext. 2540
Library Classes
The library media specialist teaches information literacy skills to all students, grades 3-5. 3rd and 4th grade classes are scheduled to come to the library once per cycle for 40 minutes, and 5th grade classes are scheduled for 20 minutes per cycle. Teachers also schedule additional times for their classes to use the library resources.
The library is open from 9 AM to 3:30 PM. Students are free to use the library at anytime throughout the school day with their teacher’s permission for browsing, book checkout and return, research and reading. "Open Library" hours are from 9:00 - 11:00 each day.Although every effort is made to provide prompt service, students visiting the library during a class time may be delayed by up to ten minutes so that the library staff may focus on working with the scheduled group of students.
Borrowing Policy
Generally, third graders may check out three books at a time, fourth graders four books, and fifth graders five books. Books may be checked out for three weeks, and renewed for an additional two weeks if no one else has reserved it.
Fines are not charged for overdue books. However, students may not check out any new books until overdue books are returned. Overdue notices are regularly issued and bills are sent home for damaged or lost books.
Library volunteers shelve books and assist with book circulation.All volunteers must attend a training session, either in the fall or the winter, in order to volunteer in the library. If you are unable to attend the fall training, please plan on joining us at the winter session.