Student Selection Process

  • FRES screening process begins with the nomination of the student by an administor, teacher, parent, and/or self.

    Nomination forms are completed by teacher(s) and parent(s).

    Parents sign “Permission to Review” form.

    Records collected by screening may include any of the following:

    • Achievement test scores

    • Anecdotal records

    • Aptitude test scores

    • Learning styles

    • Report cards

    • Sample of student works

    • Special needs or ESOL information

    • Student interview and/or observation

    General criteria for the evaluation of data:

    • Ranks in the top 10% in classroom screening activities

    • Consistently rated by teachers as achieving in the above average or outstanding range

    • Scores at the 97th percentile rank on standardized achievement test(s)

    • Typically produces work that demonstrates thinking abilities beyond the level of one’s own peers

    • Scores on an abbreviated IQ test (e.g. Wechsler abbreviated scale of intelligence)

    • Final analysis -- all test scores and ratings need to be evaluated

    • Single score does not by itself determine placement in ESP

    • Decision on student selection is the collective professional judgment of the ESP Committee

    Notification about the committee’s recommendation will be made to parents.