• Frequently Asked Questions 
    Does my child have to attend classes at the school?
    No, your child can do his or her learning at home but they must report about that learning to the certificated teacher on a weekly basis. In addition, there are optional classes a student may attend.
    Can I use my own curriculum and/or religious curriculum? 
    You can use your own curriculum as supplemental material but the District will provide the core curriculum which is aligned to state standards.  Use of religious curriculum for fulfillment of the program requirements is prohibited by state law. You may use religious curriculum for homeschooling and education outside the program hours. 
    Can my child take a music, art, or PE class? Will the District pay for it?
    Your child can participate in the local school’s music, art, drama, or PE classes. Students partially enroll to access the additional services at no cost.
    Who grades my child’s work? 
    It is the parent’s responsibility to grade the child’s work to ensure each answer is correct. 
    Is it necessary for my student’s work to be turned into the teacher?
    No, it is the parent’s responsibility for reviewing all work and reporting grades to the teacher. The teacher will assess student progress and share results at a monthly progress report meeting. 
    Do I need to have a computer and internet access at home?
    Not required, but highly recommended, as there are many online opportunities available to students.