Job Postings
Open positions:
Yard Noon Supervisor - Oakhurst Elementary (3.75 hours - 3 shifts)
Social Emotional PBIS ParaEducator - Oak Creek Intermediate
Instructional Assistant - SDC Program - Oakhurst Elementary (3 hours)
Instructional Assistant - 1 on 1 student support - Oakhurst Elementary (5.75 hours)
Instructional Assistant - OCI (3.5 hours)
Special Education Instructional Aide (Home Instruction 4 days per week/4 hours per day)
Home Hospital Teacher (4 hours a day, 5 days a week at a student's home.)
Speech and Language Pathologist (full-time)
RSP Teacher - Wasuma Elementary
Please visit EDJOIN.ORG to look for Certificated and Classified Positions (search Bass Lake.)