• Welcome to the Bass Lake Joint Union Elementary School District! We take great pride in our district and the communities we serve in the greater mountain area of Central California. We take seriously our commitment to our community’s children, captured in our district’s mission statement and slogan, “Every Child...a Promise!”

    Students in our district engage in a highly relevant and meaningful educational experience. We are a “1:1” technology district, one in which every student enjoys access to a Chromebook in kindergarten through 8th grade each day. Students receive a first-class educational experience in our schools, one that provides a strong foundation for future success in high school and beyond. We strive to prepare students to become high academic achievers, while at the same time growing into even better people, those who willingly serve others and understand the importance of civic responsibility and engagement in our American democracy.

    We are proud to humbly serve our students, their families, and our great mountain communities. Our caring, hard-working school staffs are truly invested in providing for the best educational and developmental interests of our students, and take great pride in being integral parts of the Bass Lake “family”. This mindset, along with the tremendous support of our community partners and outstanding parents, allow our district to be an amazing place for students to learn each day. Our students’ schools and classrooms are highly engaging, safe learning environments, exciting places where children realize their promise.

    I welcome feedback and encourage our district’s stakeholders to communicate with me at any time. I can be reached at rseals@basslakesd.org.

    Thank you for visiting our district’s website, and on behalf of all of us in the Bass Lake “family”, welcome to our great district!