• USDA Complaint Procedures


    In the event you feel as though you or your child’s Civil Rights have been violated please put your complaint in writing including your name, address, location of the incident, date(s) and nature of complaint as well as the basis for the alleged discrimination. This documentation needs to be submitted to the CNP Lunchroom Manager, CNP Director, or Federal Programs Director. The complaint will be kept confidential; however, investigated by the CNP Director and the Title IX Coordinator. The CNP Director will act as a mediator in order to identify the problem, a solution, and gain approval from the customer.  If the terms of agreement have been reached and the customer is satisfied then the CNP Director will add this complaint to the log for documentation and continue to follow up to ensure satisfaction.  If the customer is not satisfied then the director would provide the customer with the official USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form. Program Discrimination Complaint Form